"I’ve never met a woman architect before..." podcast with Michele Grace Hottel, Architect
"I've never met a woman architect before..." The trials and tribulations of being a woman, a lover, a friend, a mother and last but not least, an architect...If you've never met a woman architect before... here SHE is!!! Join Michele Grace Hottel, owner of her namesake architecture and design firm, as she takes you on an exploration into the lives of today's Architects: their first recollections of experiencing architecture, their inspiration, their favorite buildings and what they would like to say about the future of the profession. #architecture #architect #womenarchitects #archimom
Podcasting since 2022 • 70 episodes
"I’ve never met a woman architect before..." podcast with Michele Grace Hottel, Architect
Latest Episodes
Episode 71: Interview with Jennifer Luce, FAIA of Luce et Studio
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Episode 70: Interview with Marcela Abadi Rhoads, FAIA of Abadi Accessibility & Architecture
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Episode 69: Interview with Gregory Mottola, FAIA of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Architects
This episode is sponsored by: BLOMBERGblombergwindows.comPlease visit the blog for the images and the Book List and link...